Искала о "Танце Львов" после чтения поста на ЛиРу о "Kagamijishi" - заинтересовало)).

И куда меня почти сразу же привела не-знаю-кто? - сюда:


Lion Dance

On the 24th, Yamakawa was called back to Wakamatsu from his position at Nikkōguchi-Tajima, but he realized that even if he were to rush back at top speed, by the time he got there the siege would be so tight he would not be able to get through. Therefore, he devised a plan to move his soldiers through the enemy lines. Putting together a “lion dance troupe” from the nearby Komatsu village, he set up a “tōri-hayashi” (Japanese “marching band”), and got every single one of his soldiers into the castle safely, passing right in front of the besieging army. The commanders in the castle were awestruck at the miraculous entrance, and it greatly improved morale. Matsudaira Katamori himself was moved to tears and greatly praised Yamakawa's ability. Thus Yamakawa was put in command of defense after he entered the castle. While the defenders were reinforced for a slightly longer period of time, it was to be for naught, and the castle fell in the fall of 1868.


Надо,надо знакомиться с той эпохой))) а то,честно говоря,с позапрошлым веком у меня неблизкие отношения...