Hiromi Iwasaki - Yuki no furu machiwo 岩崎 宏美 ~ 雪の降る街を
Movie shots from the Italian romantic drama classic "White Nights" (Le notti bianche, 1957), directed by Luchino Visconti, starring Maria Schell and Marcello Mastroianni.
Lyrics: Naoya Uchimura
Music: Yoshinao Nakata
雪の降る街を 雪の降る街を
思い出だけが 通りすぎて行く
遠い国から 落ちてくる
この思い出を この思い出を
いつの日か 包まん
あたたかき 幸せの ほほえみ
читать дальше
雪の降る街を 雪の降る街を
足音だけが 追いかけて行く
ひとり 心に 満ちてくる
この悲しみを この悲しみを
いつの日か ほぐさん
緑なす 春の日の そよ風
雪の降る街を 雪の降る街を
いぶきと共に こみあげてくる
だれも わからぬ 我が心
この空しさを この空しさを
いつの日か 祈らん
新しき 光降る 鐘の音
In Snowing Town
In the snowing town
In the snowing town
Only my memories are passing by
In the snowing town
Falling from my far-off hometown
These my memories
These my memories
I will grasp them someday
Smiling warmly and happily
In the snowing town
In the snowing town
Only footsteps are following
In the snowing town
Welling up inside me
The sadness
The sadness
I will relieve it someday
Like a breeze in a spring day of verdure
In the snowing town
In the snowing town
Welling up as I feel the breath
In the snowing town
My emotions that no one can understand
The emptiness
The emptiness
I pray I could be released from it someday
The ringing of the bell brings me new hope
И ещё один вариант:
By Bonny Jacks